Liza's Philosophy

Liza currently follows a philosophy which emphasizes total body and mind to achieving optimal health. After two years of teaching Bootcamp in a renowned high-tech company,VMware, she believes in the importance of full-time employees needing some balance to their daily routine. She noticed that most of the employees had time to add an exercise routine or diet plan into their hectic schedule. However, due to lack of support and direction they lose motivation and give up quickly. In some cases they keep pushing themselves to the extreme by neglecting pain and sensation which results in a serious injury or in worse cases becomes a major health issue.

In addition to monitoring physical exercise form and routine, Liza encourages her clients to participate in programs such as Weight Watchers, Total health and fitness or finding a dietitian to help with nutrition programs. She believes that adding a nutritional regime to ones daily fitness program one can enhance his/ her overall well-being. Attitude, action and sustainable methods are the three keys to keeping ones life-long health attainable. Attitude is the first step to creating success, not giving up when it’s hard or when one is discouraged, staying positive and motivated that you are taking steps in the right direction. The action is the process to attaining individual goals. The exercise and workouts one participates in might create some soreness for 1-2 days, but not longer. The goal is to increase overall endurance and strength. Smart action is learning about your body and how you can push the limits or when you need to rest or rehabilitate. By finding the time to exercise in your day but also not pushing too hard that you decrease productivity later on at work. Sustainability is the question that comes to mind when you ask “Can I do this for the rest of my life?” With diet and exercise this is always a challenge, but you have to be willing to try new activities, adopt new eating habits and possibly change life-long habits. The important with a fitness plan or program is making the workouts count so the quality is high!

Currently American College of Sports Medicine and Institute of Medicine both suggest a minimum of 45 minutes a day of moderate exercise to help facilitate weight loss and prevent weight gain. It is hard to believe that this is just the start to being healthy in our fast paced world where technology and culture allow us to become less active than our ancestors. The latest update is from the International Association for the study of Obesity which states prevention of Regain in weight, a requirement of 60-90minutes of moderate exercise is necessary per day, a seemingly unattainable amount without the correct mindset.

Achieve your Spring Goals with Liza!
Liza Rachetto has over a decade of experience in helping people achieve their fitness goals.
Yes, Liza has competed in the Hawaii Ironman World Championships.
Yes, Liza has raced in Europe on an Italian Professional Cycling Team.
Yes, Liza has over two dozen Professional race victories to her credit.
Yes, Liza has trained multiple racing champions and hundreds of Silicon Valley Corporate employees to be the best they can be.

No, she wont burn you out or do things your body cannot do...

Liza Coaching is about training how YOU want to train to achieve YOUR fitness goals. Have a 5mile charity run coming up? Feel droopy at the computer workstation all day? Let Liza apply her knowledge and know how to get you feeling trim and taut.